Pediatric dentistry or children's dentistry mainly focuses on children from birth till adolescence. The American Dental Association recognizes children's dentistry as a specialty, and therefore, it is required for dentists to go through two or three years of extra training after they have completed a general dentistry degree.
Children's dentistry Melbourne is important for maintaining many important functions related to the overall oral health and hygiene of the child. It places specific importance on the maintenance and care of deciduous teeth, because they are necessary and instrumental for not only holding space for the permanent teeth, but also helping the child develop better chewing habits and proper speech.

What are the differences between regular dentists and pediatric dentists?
Both types of dentists deal with teeth and trade oral hygiene problems, as well as help improve the overall dental health of the person.
On the other hand, pediatric dentists only deal with children and need two to three years of specialty training in order to do this. Regular dentists do not need special training and can treat people of all ages. But it is recommended to start visits to either of these places quite early on.
Your regular dentist can give you special preventative care, but you may need to visit a pediatric dentist for getting treatments in special cases, or manage growth and developmental issues. You may also need a pediatric dentist if the child needs reconstructive surgery and they need to be put under anesthesia for the same.
Having said that, you can take the help of your regular dentist Ford beating irritations, thumb sucking problems, or any kinds of gum diseases that the child may be struggling with.
Here are the most important functions carried out by children's dentistry:
1. Education of the parents and the child
A pediatric dentist usually plays an important role in educating the child as well as the parents about the importance of proper oral hygiene. They also teach the children using computer technology, models, and child friendly language, widening to keep their teeth healthy and strong. Pediatric dentists also advised parents regarding good eating habits for the child, trauma prevention, disease prevention, and other important factors that they need to keep in mind for maintaining proper hygiene.
2. Growth monitoring
Children's dentistry is extremely important for tracking the growth and development of the jaw bones and teeth inside the child’s mouth. This helps but dentist to anticipate any kinds of dental issues and also intervene quickly and efficiently before things get worse. Children's dentistry is also important for taking steps towards early corrective treatments that not only preserve the self esteem of the child, but also save them from undergoing dramatic experiences in adolescence.
3. Prevention
Pediatric dentists help the parents and the children develop healthier eating and oral care habits. This reduces the chances of tooth decay later in life. They also provide regular checkups and dental cleanings which prevent development of dental caries and periodontal disorders. Apply dental sealants and topical fluoride on the young teeth which increases their strength and durability. Children's dentistry is also important for advising parents on how to prevent habits like thumb sucking, pacifier use, or lip biting.
4. Intervention
In certain cases, pediatric dentists may have to discuss with the parents it may need to start early oral treatments. This may happen in cases of oral injury, bruxism, malocclusion, etc. They may need to fill space maintainers, or give the child a nighttime mouth guard. They may also need to schedule reconstructive surgery.

Why are you supposed to take your kid to see a pediatric dentist??
1. To asking questions about any issues you might have ongoing or any new problems?
2. Find out how to start a note years oral care program at home?
3. To find out how you can implement oral injury prevention strategies within your home?
4. Figure out whether your child is at risk for developing dental caries?
5. To find out if there is any detrimental habit that you need to start taking prevention measures for?
6. To start preventative treatments like fluorides and sealants.
7. Find out how the child's teeth are growing and whether their jaws are developing in the right way.
Get in touch with us today to request more information about our dental services.