The highly advanced Teeth Grinding Solutions comes at an affordable price and impressive results. We are surely the best in dental business and our doctors are more like friends to you than your specialists. No prizes for guessing that we develop long-term and healthy relationships with our patients.
Our solutions and equipments are based on years of research and development. When it comes to curing patients suffering from teeth grinding or clenching, we are at the pinnacle of our success rate.
What is teeth grinding? Half of your problem is solved when you get to know it better!
Teeth grinding might seem like a normal problem with a normal solution, but sadly, it’s not. The medical term for teeth grinding is Bruxim. It is when your jaw moves involuntarily, creating a pressure between upper and lower teeth. Teeth grinding or clenching is often a result of extreme anxiety, however, there can be many reasons behind the same.
Let’s learn about the usual symptoms of Bruxim first.
Grinding sounds during sleeping
Ache in head, jaw, and ears
Teeth ache, especially after waking up
Abnormal sensitivity in teeth
Chipped tooth or enamel
Stiffness in the jaw joint
Loose teeth
Cracked fillings or teeth
If you are dealing with any of the given symptoms, especially, cracking of teeth, then it’s high time to visit a dentist. The Teeth Grinding Solutions is one of the best dental cares in Melbourne, and thus, we would love to help you with your dental problem.
Let’s jump to the main causes of Bruxim
Ideally speaking, there are two categories of Bruxim, namely, Primary Bruxim and Secondary Bruxim. The cause of Primary Bruxim is not known yet. However, Secondary Bruxim is the result of many causes, including sleep disorders, traumatic injuries, stress, anxiety, depression, breathing problems, medication, alcohol, and smoking. There are many other causes of Bruxim, so, it’s best to consult a dental professional to diagnose your cause.
Apart from the above cause, Bruxim is also related to snoring, OSA, and other sleeping disorders. When a person snores, his or her throat is blocked due to the collapsing of jaw. This sends the brain into anxiety and commands the jaw line to thrust forward. This results in teeth grinding. It’s known as Sleep Bruxim.
Even though the American Academy of Sleep Medicine has declared Sleep Bruxim as a sleeping disorder, many medical professionals do not classify it as a sleep-related problem and thus, discard the treatment for the same. The Teeth Grinding Solutions check all the causes of grinding teeth, Sleep Bruxim included.
Set an appointment with us today!
Now that you know about the causes and symptoms of teeth grinding, it is high time you book an appointment with the Teeth Grinding Solutions at Holistic Dental Donvale, Melbourne. Located at 90 Mitcham Road, Donvale, we are the simple solution to all your complex dental problems. If you have any query feel free to contact us now!